
Buy it, steal it, beg for it: CW-X Conditioning Wear

I love, love, L O V E this product!

Really. Truly. I have a thing for CW-X conditioning wear.  It sort of looks like your your average compression wear but what makes it so special is its AMAZING ability to support your aching, tired limbs while you're striding through your paces.

I know what you're thinking...but NO, I'm not sponsored by these guys.  I seriously just love, (did I mention that?) this product.
Firstly, it was developed by the Japanese.  C'mon, you have to admit, those guys in Kyoto are pretty damn smart.  Secondly, the technology is based around the exhaustive study of kinesiology aka, the science of human movement. By understanding the mechanics of joints and muscles in minute detail, they have cleverly put together a range of sports wear that confines to your body in areas that bear terrible burden, which therefore allows for increased mechanical efficiency.

Now. I'm not the most scientifically minded person on the planet so before I try to relay all the technological bits and pieces and then ruin it by transferring it to an awkward, Kate-ish type language, I think I may just give you the general gist straight from the Wacoal Human Science Research Centres mouth - the CW-X website. 

  • They have tested over 35,000 people and analysed injuries relative to warm-up and cool-down periods. 
  • In one of their studies in Kyoto, Japan, electrical pulse activity of the muscles (muscles firing into motion) was measured electromyographically. Unsupported and partly supported legs both show frequency decrease during exercise. Which are indications of fatigue.  Legs supported by CW-X® however, showed negligible frequency decrease. 
  • In another study in Montpelier, France, differences in fatigue in runners wearing shorts, regular spandex tights, and CW-X® Conditioning tights were measured comparing VO2 oxygen uptake levels over 15 minutes of running at 80% of maximal effort. When wearing CW-X® tights the results showed 26% and 36% lower oxygen usage compared to regular tights and shorts respectively, indicating lower energy expenditure in CW-X® tights. 

Usually, I wouldn't buy into all this tech talk, but I've tested them out and I've gotta say they work.  After a hard days run wearing these little puppies, my legs aren't as sore, I recover better and never feel sluggish.  But don't trust me...give them a go yourself.

Check them out here:

Do you have a type of apparel that works for you?  Let me know about it.

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